If you or a loved one is considering a home health aide, it’s certainly understandable that you would want to know the sort of training an aide has completed. It’s important to know that home health aide training may differ by state, by institution, by company. The term “home health aide” is not always applied in the same way, meaning that it’s very important for consumers to do their homework.
Comfort Home Care in Rockville, Md., for example, employs state-certified nursing assistants to meet clients’ range of needs. In Maryland, the home health aide training to become a certified nursing assistant is comprehensive, and overseen by the state. The Maryland Board of Nursing is responsible for certifying the training programs that train these capable aides.
Montgomery College in Takoma Park, Md., offers one such program. Students hoping to become certified nursing assistants are taught basic nursing skills, to include caring for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and similar ailments. The coursework is taught through lectures, discussion and hands-on practice. Regardless of the educational institution or particular home health aide training, it’s the certification exam that ultimately grants the imprimatur of certified nursing assistant.
State Certification Is An Important Assurance In Home Health Aide Training
As the U.S. Administration on Aging cautions, however, regulations regarding home health care may vary depending on location. Accordingly, when it comes to home health aides, the administration advises consumers to check that a provider is certified and licensed, to ask how caregivers are hired and trained, how employees are screened, etc.
While state certification offers an assurance that a home health aide’s training is thorough, the administration also suggests simply asking people in your community about such services. “As with any important purchase, it is always a good idea to talk with friends, neighbors, and your local area agency on aging to learn more about the home health care agencies in your community,” the administration advises.
To find out if a home health aide can help you or your loved one, call Comfort Home Care today at 301-984-7681.